
This page describes the heuristics currently implemented by this package. The heuristics are split into path generation heuristics, which create an initial path from a problem instance (specified by a distance matrix) and path refinement heuristics which take an input path and attempt to improve it.

Path generation heuristics


Approximately solve a TSP using the nearest neighbor heuristic. distmat is a square real matrix where distmat[i,j] represents the distance from city i to city j. The matrix needn't be symmetric and can contain negative values. Return a tuple (path, pathcost).

Optional keyword arguments:

  • firstcity::Union{Int, Nothing}: specifies the city to begin the path on. Passing nothing or not specifying a value corresponds to random selection.
  • closepath::Bool = true: whether to include the arc from the last city visited back to the first city in cost calculations. If true, the first city appears first and last in the path.
  • do2opt::Bool = true: whether to refine the path found by 2-opt switches (corresponds to removing path crossings in the planar Euclidean case).
farthest_insertion(distmat; ...)

Generate a TSP path using the farthest insertion strategy. distmat must be a square real matrix. Return a tuple (path, cost).

Optional arguments:

  • firstCity::Int: specifies the city to begin the path on. Not specifying a value corresponds to random selection.
  • do2opt::Bool = true: whether to improve the path by 2-opt swaps.
cheapest_insertion(distmat::Matrix, initpath::AbstractArray{Int})

Given a distance matrix and an initial path, complete the tour by repeatedly doing the cheapest insertion. Return a tuple (path, cost). The initial path must have length at least 2, but can be simply [i, i] for some city index i which corresponds to starting with a loop at city i.


Insertions are always in the interior of the current path so this heuristic can also be used for non-closed TSP paths.

Currently the implementation is a naive $n^3$ algorithm.

cheapest_insertion(distmat; ...)

Complete a tour using cheapest insertion with a single-city loop as the initial path. Return a tuple (path, cost).

Optional keyword arguments:

  • firstcity::Union{Int, Nothing}: specifies the city to begin the path on. Passing nothing or not specifying a value corresponds to random selection.
  • do2opt::Bool = true: whether to improve the path found by 2-opt swaps.

Path refinement heuristics

two_opt(distmat, path)

Improve path by doing 2-opt switches (i.e. reversing part of the path) until doing so no longer reduces the cost. Return a tuple (improved_path, improved_cost).

On large problem instances this heuristic can be slow, but it is highly recommended on small and medium problem instances.

See also simulated_annealing for another path generation heuristic.


simulated_annealing(distmat; ...)

Use a simulated annealing strategy to return a closed tour. The temperature decays exponentially from init_temp to final_temp. Return a tuple (path, cost).

Optional keyword arguments:

  • steps::Int = 50n^2: number of steps to take; defaults to 50n^2 where n is number of cities
  • num_starts::Int = 1: number of times to run the simulated annealing algorithm, each time starting with a random path, or init_path if non-null. Defaults to 1.
  • init_temp::Real = exp(8): initial temperature which controls initial chance of accepting an inferior tour.
  • final_temp::Real = exp(-6.5) final temperature which controls final chance of accepting an inferior tour; lower values roughly correspond to a longer period of 2-opt.
  • init_path::Union{Vector{Int}, Nothing} = nothing: path to start the annealing from. Either a Vector{Int} or nothing. If a Vector{Int} is given, it will be used as the initial path; otherwise a random initial path is used.

Repetitive heuristics

Many of the heuristics in this package require some starting state. For example, the nearest neighbor heuristic begins at a first city and then iteratively continues to whichever unvisited city is closest to the current city. Therefore, running the heuristic with different choices for the first city may produce different final paths. At the cost of increased computation time, a better path can often be found by starting the heuristic method at each city. The convenience method repetitive_heuristic is provided to help with this use case:

repetitive_heuristic(distmat::Matrix, heuristic::Function, repetitive_kw::Symbol; keywords...)

For each i in 1:n, run heuristic with keyword repetitive_kw set to i. Return the tuple (bestpath, bestcost). By default, repetitive_kw is :firstcity, which is appropriate for the farthest_insertion, cheapest_insertion, and nearest_neighbor heuristics.

Any keywords passed to repetitive_heuristic are passed along to each call of heuristic. For example, repetitive_heuristic(dm, nearest_neighbor; do2opt = true) will perform 2-opt for each of the n nearest neighbor paths.


The repetitive heuristic calls are parallelized with threads. For optimum speed make sure Julia is running with multiple threads.


Lower bounds

A simple lower bound on the cost of the optimal tour is provided. This bound uses no problem-specific structure; if you know some details of your problem instance, you can probably find a tighter bound.


Lower bound the cost of the optimal TSP tour. At present, the bounds considered are a simple bound based on the minimum cost of entering and exiting each city and a slightly better bound inspired by the Held-Karp bounds; note that the implementation here is simpler and less tight than proper HK bounds.

The Held-Karp-inspired bound requires computing many spanning trees. For a faster but typically looser bound, use TravelingSalesmanHeuristics.vertwise_bound(distmat).


The spanning tree bounds are only correct on symmetric problem instances and will not be used if the passed distmat is not symmetric. If you wish to use these bounds anyway, (e.g. for near-symmetric instances), use TravelingSalesmanHeuristics.hkinspired_bound.
